Affordable school development
Affordable school development
Tarbeyah is not confined to a teacher practice within a classroom, Tarbeyah is an institutional practice. Each educational institution is unique, it has its own particularities, its own strengths, needs, challenges, and circumstances. Each school has to work with a different set of resources and constrains to fulfil its Tarbeyah mission. Therefore, the path for developing a whole school Tarbeyah process will be different from one school to another.
Our school development programme engages with the whole school in order to institutionalise an effective Tarbeyah process that is attuned to the particularities of each school.
Our psychosocial education expert will work with the school’s management through five developmental phases to establish an effective whole school Tarbeyah process.
In collaboration with the school management, our consultant will spend 1-2 weeks in school observing all aspects of the school day. This will include observing classroom teaching, tutor groups, challenging groups, challenging students, school breaks, start and end of day procedures, breaks, assemblies, prayer activities, behaviour management procedures, etc.
Our consultant will also review school policies and conduct short interviews with selected teachers , management, and students for Tarbeyah assessment purposes.
A report of key observations will be throughly discussed with the school managements, and the assessment phase will be concluded by drawing a good picture of the school strengths, challenges and needs in relation to setting up an effective whole school Tarbeyah process
Based on the assessment phase , our team will work with management to develop a Tarbeyah strategy for the whole school. Through collaborative development with staff and management, our team will transform the strategy into a shared Tarbeyah vision that each staff understands, feels its relevance to her/his work, and learn about the support system available to her/him to implement the Tarbeyah vision into their particular role within the school.
We will identify if there are needs for policy updates, procedure improvements, or skills training, and we will give time to prepare and train staff on any new upgrades that are needed to implemnt the Tarbeyah Strategy.
We will work with each school member to translate the Tarbeyah strategy into individualised Tarbeyah action plan that is suitable for each teacher, each department, and each management staff.
Once all elements of the Tarbeyah strategy are in action, our experts will support school members to synchronise their role with the whole institution Tarbeyah strategy. At this phase our team will observe, give constructive feedback, work with management to make necessary adjustments, and report progress to school management.
Most institutional strategies do not reach its full potential from the first round of implementation. Most institutional development happens in iterations of updates and adjustments on the initial strategy.
Therefore, during the first four weeks of launching the new Tarbeyah strategy our team will be collecting feedback from observations and interviews. Then our team will report a progress status to the school management and recommend necessary adjustments and improvements. In collaboration with management our team will develop the needed adjustments and training for institutionalising an effective whole school Tarbeyah process.
Schools that successfully go through all the five phases of the above institutional development Programme will receive: Tarbeyah Centred School Certificate (TCS)
The programme duration is 4 - 6 months, depending on the school needs. The programme cost is GBP3000 per month.
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